August 4-9, 2025
With extensive experience in creating dynamic and challenging courses that run the gamut of mountain environments and conditions, the TransRockies Run organizers have once again designed a course that will, in every definition, leave you breathless.
The route and stages listed below are offered as inspiration and a guide of what to expect. The actual route will remain secret until just before the event so that all competitors can maximize the adventure experience of entering something totally brand new.
The route of the Run will take place at elevations between 7,400 and 12,600 feet above sea level. Based on the preliminary route proposal (subject to change and approval by the U.S. Forest Service), the percent of distance at various elevations is as follows:
7,000′ to 8,000′ – 3%
8,000′ to 9,000′ – 31%
9,000′ to 10,000′ – 28%
10,000′ to 11,000′ – 27%
11,000′ to 12,000′ – 10%
12,000′ to 13,000′ – 1%
The following numbers are preliminary estimates and are also subject to final approval. In the event of extreme weather during the event and any subsequent re-routing, running surface types would also be subject to change.
Dirt and Gravel Roads – 37%
Non-Motorized Single and Double Trails – 33%
4-Wheel Drive and Motorized Trails – 18%
Paved Roads and Pathways – 12%
NOTE: The route information provided below is subject to change pending final route planning and U.S. Forest Service permit approval. We are no cups on course. Please bring your own.
18.3 miles/29.5 kilometres
2,200 ft/675 m gain
4 Check Points | Run 6 | GU Run 3
Although starting at a relatively lower elevation and lacking the monster climbs of other stages, stage 1 has proven to be one of the toughest stages over the years since it is often quite hot and dry. The running surface varies from gravel and rock to sand on a mix of trails, four-wheel drive roads and Forest Service Roads. You may want to invest in a pair of gaiters for your shoes.
13 miles/21 kilometres
3,100 FT/950 M gain
2 Check Points | Run 6 | GU Run 3
Starting from Vicksburg, not far from the turnaround of the Leadville Trail 100, you will start climbing gently on gravel Forest Service Road. The first Checkpoint is at only 1.7 miles at the Sheep Gulch Trailhead, where you will enter the singletrack and start climbing steeply for about 2.5 miles to the summit of Hope Pass at over 12,500 feet. After this outstanding photo opportunity, you will descend toward Twin Lakes. The trail is steep and technical until the aid station at 5.3 miles, and then descends more gradually down to the altitude of the lakeshore at about 9,200 feet. From there it is a beautiful rolling singletrack trail on the south shore of the lake and through the historic village of Interlaken. The last few minutes are on a dirt road to the finish. Remember to bring enough water for the entire stage, since supplies are limited at Checkpoint 2.
Early Start Option will be available to runners at 6:30am. Please check in at the timing tent no later than 6:15am.
24 miles/39 kilometres
2,300 ft/700 m gain
3 Check Points | Run 6 | GU Run 3
Our longest stage, stage 3, has moderate elevation gain, with the largest climb out of the way early in the stage. After 2.5 miles on the pavement out of downtown Leadville you will climb steeply on four-wheel drive road to the summit of the first climb. Descend again on double track into the first checkpoint. A more gradual climb on doubletrack takes you onto Ski Cooper, where you descend to Checkpoint 2 in the ski area (Ski Cooper) parking lot. You will cross the highway at Tennessee Pass onto the Continental Divide. From there you can look forward to a long rolling descent. You will be running on the Continental Divide National Scenic Traill into Camp Hale. Once you hit the gravel flats in Camp Hale you have about three miles of gravel ahead of you, which will test your mental toughness. You finish at Nova Guides, where the camp is waiting.
Early Start Option will be available to runners at 6:30am. Please check in at the timing tent no later than 6:15am.
14 miles/22.5 kilometres
2,800 ft/850 m gain
2 Check Points | Run 6 |
Like Stage 2, stage 4 is short and steep, although it tops out a little lower, at 11,700 feet. Starting with a rolling run on gravel roads for about 2 miles, you will then start climbing on a jeep road, which gradually gets steeper as you work your way up Hornsilver Mountain. Once on top, you are treated to an extended run on the rolling meadows along the ridge with views of Mount of the Holy Cross before starting the descent into the Wearyman Creek drainage. Watch for loose footing on the way down, as this stage has claimed a few ankles and bloodied a few knees. Once you turn left at Wearyman Creek, the creek is running down the middle of the trail. There is no way to avoid getting wet, as this water section goes on for about half a mile. The water is never more than knee deep and is cold, which is refreshing for hot feet. After Checkpoint 2 you will spend the last 2 miles running on a hard packed road to the finish in front of the world-famous Mango’s Bar and Grill. Remember to bring cash or card for some fish tacos and margaritas on the patio.
Early Start Option will be available to runners at 6:30am. Please check in at the timing tent no later than 6:15am.
23.5 miles/38 kilometres
4,000 ft/1,200 metres gain
3 Check Points | Run 6 |
From Red Cliff you start with almost 8 miles on dirt road climbing moderately to Checkpoint 1. From there you will enter singletrack through the forest with several steep climbs and descents until you come to the open meadows on the back of Vail Ski Resort. Once on the ski resort, you will traverse the long ridge mostly on road and double track, but with one technical descent where the trail drops through a cliff band. After leaving checkpoint 2 you will continue on the ridgeline for a few miles before dropping on to the front of the ski hill, descending towards Vail on a mix of access roads and singletrack. Pay close attention to marking as there are many intersections and trails on the resort. Descend to the finish at the Vail Athletic Fields.
Early Start Option will be available to runners at 6:30am. Please check in at the timing tent no later than 6:15am.
22.5 miles/36 kilometres
4,500 ft/1,350 m gain
3 Check Points | Run 6 |
Stage 6 features a route from Vail to Beaver Creek with 5,250 feet of elevation gain. This route runs from the start in Vail Village on pavement, uses an overpass to cross the Interstate, and shortly enters the singletrack of Vail’s North Trail. From there, it’s a steady climb up the Buffehr Creek Trail and Red and White Mountain. Then a long descent down the shaded Buck Creek will bring runners into the town of Avon before the final climb into Beaver Creek, and a short downhill to the ultimate finish line.
Early Start Option will be available to runners at 6:00am. Please check in at the timing tent no later than 5:45am.
STAGE 7 – The Party
Celebrate your accomplishment with this legendary party! It kicks off with a shuttle ride up to the Talon’s Restaurant, where the festivities begin at 6:00pm. The nightly awards and presentation wraps up at 9:00pm. After dinner, we head down the mountain to Coyote’s, located in Beaver Creek village, for a night of dancing and celebration.
Dawn Patrol is a 60-90 minute early start for those who are worried about making the 9 hour cut off. You will have a chance to sign up on a daily basis to be part of Dawn Patrol.
What Dawn Patrol is not: Dawn Patrol is not for people who want to finish their day early. Note:
1st Check point may not be ready with food
Course may not be marked yet
We don’t always do the entire course (ex. miss the first 2 miles of Stage 2, this effects your standings.
You can’t run past the Dawn Patrol Leader or you’ll be disqualified for that stage.
All of our routing has been recorded by GPS and thoroughly checked before the race, but mother nature sometimes has little surprises that mean last minute course changes. Don’t be surprised if there are small changes to the routing or stats before race day. Please note that all information is subject to change. Elevation gain/loss data collected by GPS can be highly inaccurate and varied depending on how it is measured and the equipment used. Our elevation data should approximate the measurements obtained by a portable GPS unit.
GPX files: Here
Camp Locations:
All camp locations will be passenger vehicle and truck accessible, although most will have no services beyond those provided by the organization. Driving directions for support crews will be provided with camping passes.