Please read carefully!
1. Conditions of Participation
Participants must be experienced runners and be in excellent physical condition to participate in the TransRockies™ Run. Special licenses are not required. Minimum age to enter the race is 18 years. Participants as young as 15 years of age are permitted only in the case that the Team Leader is the parent or legal guardian of the minor, and that the Team Leader is a past participant of the TransRockies™ Run.
2. Rules
All participants must read, understand and obey the “OFFICIAL RULES AND REGULATIONS”, which can be found below.
3. Liability
The organizers, sponsors, volunteers and event personnel are not responsible for any injury or damage that may occur during the event, cancellations, delays or re-routing due to environmental concerns. Each participant will be required to sign a waiver upon registration declaring that they take full responsibility for risk of injury, to themselves or their equipment, and any lost or stolen items.
4. Awards
Medals are presented to all finishers in the RUN 3. Belt Buckles are presented to the all finishers in the RUN 6. Finisher T-shirts are presented to runners who complete the entire race distance.
5. Categories/Age
The TransRockies™ RUN6 offers six different team categories: Open Men, Open Women, Open Mixed, 80+ Men, 80+ Women and 100+ Open. In 80+ and 100+ categories, the combined age of the team must be 80 or 100 or higher. RUN6 solo categories include Open Men and Open Women. RUN3 categories are Open Men and Open Women. Categories where there are fewer than five (5) teams registered may be combined with another category at the organizer’s discretion. All ages are calculated as of the start of the race.
6. Luggage
At Sign-On, each participant will receive a TransRockies™ Run duffel bag (approx. 36”x16”x16” or 90cm x 40cm x 40cm) with their start number. This bag should also be used to store a sleeping bag, thermal mattress, clothing and personal belongings for the duration of the race.
Each participant must drop-off his/her bag at the transportation truck on the morning of each stage (location and time will be announced). The bags will be transported to the next stage location where they can be picked up on arrival at the day’s finish. We can only transport one bag for each participant and will not accept any additional items.
When you arrive at Buena Vista location we ask that you transfer the contents from your traveling bag into the bag that is provided by TransRockies. The remaining items such as suitcases etc. will then be transported directly to the finish and can be picked up at the end of the race. TransRockies will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items.
7. Accommodations
Registration includes tent accommodation during the race. Tent accommodation for teams is 2-per tent (teammates share a tent), unless you purchase an additional tent package. Tents are approximately 7’ x 7’ of floor space. Solo participants will be accommodated 1-per tent.
No accommodations are provided for the nights prior to the start, or following the finish of the race (the evening of the last day of racing). Participants are encouraged to book hotel accommodation for those evenings.
We are generally able to accommodate all participants with access to showers. However, there will be limited use. Showers must be limited to five (5) minutes to conserve hot water, fresh water, and allow enough room for grey-water storage.
8. Participant Support
Participants may bring friends, family or other support during the race. If participants wish to purchase a meal package for friends, family or support they can purchase the package prior to the race, at Sign-On at the start, or at the Race Office during the daily stages. Support vehicles will be charged a daily or weekly rate for a confirmed site. Support crew/vehicles will NOT be allowed to park or enter the TransRockies staging area unless they purchase a vehicle camping pass. Participant support crews will be responsible for their own accommodation and transportation to each stage location, however, a full set of driving instructions for the week are included with the purchase of a vehicle camping pass.
Supporters are not permitted to drive on the course and should only spectate at the locations listed in the map book.
9. 2025 Stages
August 12 – Buena Vista to Buena Vista (loop course)
August 13 – Vicksburg to Twin Lakes (shuttle to Leadville - Leiter Field)
August 14 Leadville to Camp Hale
August 15 – Camp Hale to Red Cliff
August 16 – Red Cliff to Vail
August 17 – Vail to Beaver Creek
Note: Exact staging locations are subject to change, and US Forest Service approval.
10. Running Computer, Altimeter and GPS
The TransRockies™ Run is a race where participants will follow a preset route with the help of course markings and maps. For this reason, we recommend that every team or solo runner carry an altimeter and running computer unit to assist with route finding in case you lose the markings. Please note that we use a variety of methods for calculating distance and elevation gain, and route book measurements may not match your personal measurements. Data may vary due to differences in personal calibrations and measurement methods.
Due to the possibility of last minute route changes, we do not provide GPS data in advance. Participants should not expect to rely on any published or publicly available GPS data.
11. Catering
Included in the race package, each participant will receive breakfast and an evening meal at each stage location. TransRockies will also provide electrolyte drinks, water, energy foods and fruit at each check point. The check points are not food supply points. It is recommended that if you require more food/drink during the day that you make the necessary arrangements in advance by purchasing food in advance or in the host communities. WARNING: Do not bring food into tents in the tent camps – it may attract wildlife. We will provide a storage area if you need to store food overnight.
12. Massage service
The TransRockies Run expo area offers athletic therapy and massage service on site to soothe your aching muscles. Massage and athletic therapy services are offered on a “pay-as-you-go” basis.
13. Airport Shuttles
Shuttles to the start and from the finish will be available for participants at an additional charge according to the schedule posted on the event website. Transfers need to be booked in advance of the race. Please read the Race Info section of the website for more information. Transfers may be offered by TransRockies or by a third party.
14. Sign-On
Hours of Sign-On: Sunday, August 11 – 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. The Meadows
15. Health & Travel Insurance
Participants must be in good health and be experienced, well-trained trail-runners. All participants are responsible for their own health and travel insurance. In the case that a search and rescue or medical evacuation is required, the participant is responsible for any expenses incurred . Ask your local insurance provider to recommend a specialized travel insurance provider who can provide coverage. Your insurance should cover Air Ambulance service, and should not exclude athletic competition.
16. Sponsorship & Branding
Participants may wear sponsor logos on their clothing. They can not change, cut, fold, or alter the start numbers supplied by TransRockies. If the participants are one of the leaders in any category they are required to wear the Leader Jersey provided by TransRockies. Unauthorized signage of any kind is not permitted in start and finish area, stage locations or camps.
1. Team Ranking
All team participants of the TransRockies™ Run will start in teams of two. Both participants in each team must appear together at the start, at all check points, and at the finish. If this does not occur, the team will not be considered in the daily results. Should one team member arrive more than two minutes before their partner at one of the check points, the team will be given a 60-minute time penalty. If this occurs more than once, the team will be disqualified.
Teams must start each stage together to maintain official ranking in their category. Teams become unclassified if either member does not start a stage. Unclassified teams may not compete for individual stage or overall results, but may continue to start each stage as they wish and have stage times recorded in the unclassified results.
Teams wishing to separate and continue as solo runners may do so, but will become unclassified and will not be eligible for stage or overall ranking in any official category. Their unclassified GC time will be based on their team times for every stage started as a team before they elected to separate.
Teams who elect to separate must notify the race office or chief of timing no less than 30 minutes prior to the start of a stage.
2. Solo Ranking
All solo participants of the TransRockies™ Run must check in at the start, at all check points, and at the finish. If this does not occur, the team will not be considered in the daily results.
Solo Runners must start every stage to maintain official ranking in their category. Solo runners who become unclassified may not compete for individual stage or overall results, but may continue to start each stage as they wish and have stage times recorded in the unclassified results.
3. Bib Numbers and Race Passes
Bib numbers must be pinned to the front of the body between the chest and the waist. The sponsor placement on the start numbers must be seen and no additional advertising may be added.
4. Start
The start call-up begins 20 minutes before the starting time specific to each stage. The daily briefing for all participants begins 15 minutes prior to the start time. Note that there is also a daily course briefing each evening, going over the next day’s stage.
The start will remain open up to 5 minutes after the start time listed for each day. Runners starting up to 5 minutes after the designated start time, will be measured according to the official start time. Runners who start later than 5 minutes after the official start time will not be considered in the overall results.
5. Check Points
During each stage there will be one to three mandatory check points where both members of each team, and solo runners, must report into the Check Point. Runners or Teams who do not pass one of the check points (for example because they have lost their way), will receive a time penalty of 60 minutes for each check point missed. The race organizers reserve the right to impose a higher or lower time penalty in special cases.
Participants will be recorded together at the check points in the order of arrival. Should one participant arrive prior to their teammate, he/she must wait at the end of the line until his/her partner arrives, within the allowable time limit of two minutes. Otherwise, the 60 minute time penalty will be assessed.
6. Finish
At the conclusion of each stage, the participants must arrive together as a team, solos individually, and check in with the Timing Team. The official finish time of the stage is recorded here.
Runners or teams who arrive at the finish after the finish time limit due to exhaustion, repairs, injury, etc., but who are still on foot under their own power will receive the maximum racing time (from official starting time to finish-time) plus 60 minutes. They are eligible to continue racing the following day. Runners or teams who can prove a severe defect or injury and arrive at the finish in/on a vehicle will receive the maximum racing time (from official starting time to finish-time) plus 120 minutes, and can continue to race the following day. Each participant must run or walk the entire distance of every stage to qualify for a Finisher T-shirt.
Teams who separate during the stage will receive the finish time of the slower team member, inclusive of any penalties.
7. Withdrawal from a Stage
Participants who cannot continue the race must inform the organizers of their decision by contacting one of the below mentioned event personnel. Failure to inform the organization may cause a search and rescue action. The cost for this action will be charged to the participant.
In the event you need to withdraw from the race you must contact one of the following immediately:
TRR Medical Team personnel
TRR personnel at one of the Check Points
The Start Line or Finish Line
Race Office
Call the emergency number in your route book
If you withdraw from the race, the organizers will ensure that you are transported to the closest town, and you are then responsible for your own transportation back to the start, Denver, or another destination.
8. Food and Beverage
All participants are responsible for their own food and beverages while on the race course. The organizers will provide water, energy foods and electrolyte drinks at the check points.
Each participant must commit him/herself to protect the environment and not to leave any garbage along the route. Purposely littering the route or causing harm to the environment can be cause for elimination from the race.
9. Safety Equipment
For safety purposes, participants are asked to carry the following recommended equipment:
1. Rainwear (rain jacket and long pants) for both participants
2. Warm clothing (fleece sweater or similar) for both participants because weather in the Rockies can change by the minute
3. Warm Hat and Gloves for each participant
4. 1 small First Aid Kit for every team / tape for blisters
5. 1 Survival Blanket for every team
6. ID card, money
7. Sunscreen
The following mandatory equipment will be checked on all participants at the start of every stage starting with stage 2:
Hat covering the ears
Survival Blanket (1 per team)
Participants not carrying the required equipment will not be permitted to start the stage and failure to retain the equipment through the stage may result in a DQ or time penalty.
10. General
1. The race will be taking place partly on public roads. Each participant is to obey all traffic laws in effect and yield to motor-vehicles with right-of-way at all times.
2. The organizer reserves the right to penalize or disqualify participants and teams when one of the following applies:
Participant health problems
Violating rules and regulations of the event
Unfair or unsportsmanlike conduct
Any disregard for the environment
Disregard for traffic rules
11. Environmental Regulations
Littering of any kind is prohibited. This includes Gel and Energy Bar wrappers and applies to the race course, as well as camps and staging locations.
Washing clothing in rivers, streams and lakes is prohibited.
Short-cutting of trails is prohibited. You must stay on the primary trail tread of the marked routes at all times, as described in the map book.
Every participant who is caught disregarding the environmental rules above will be penalized with a two (2) hour time penalty at first offense and disqualification at second offense.
In the case of major environmental concerns (fire bans, wildlife, flooding etc.) TransRockies has the right to cancel, delay or reroute the race. Participants will not be reimbursed in an environmental situation that is out of TransRockies’ control. In case of cancellation of a race leg, participants will be brought to the next stage location.
12. Safety Rules
1. Slower participants are required to make way for faster runners. Faster runners must give slower runners a reasonable opportunity to pull off the trail before passing.
2. Course Hazards are often not marked. Run in control and be prepared for possible course hazards.
These rules primarily serve to assure the runners’ safety. Violating these rules can also lead to subsequent time penalty disqualification from the race.
13. Protest and Jury
Each participant can file protest against other teams for disregarding the rules or against decisions of the race director. Protests can be filed in the Race Office up to one hour after the finish time limit. Witnesses should be named. A jury of three members appointed by the Event Director will debate the protest and render a decision prior to the start of the next stage. The protest fee is $50 USD. This fee will not be reimbursed.
14. Liability
Each participant is responsible for his/her own safety and security. The organizers, sponsors and event personnel are in no way liable for injury or damage incurred to the participants. A stipulation to participation in the event is that the runner agrees to take responsibility for risks against his/her person and his/her belongings when participating in the race, and give up any right to claim from persons, institutions, or companies running or having run the TransRockies™ Run.
15. Policy Regarding Transgender and Non-Binary Participants
To establish rules with a strong emphasis on inclusion and to encourage the participation in TransRockies™ Run by transgender and non-binary participants while respecting the rights and dignity of all entrants and preservation of the integrity of the competitive (awards and records) at TransRockies™ Run.
Self Determination:
Gender of entrant recognized at face value
Cannot be challenged unless there is an Age Group/Top 3 award at stake (see Enforcement section below)
No basis for, or tolerance of any challenge to a participant’s self-declared gender unless an Age Group/Top 3 award at stake.
General Rules:
Trans and Non-Binary participants who were assigned female at birth, and have been undergoing continuous, medically supervised hormone treatment for at least one year may participate in the Open or Male categories.
Trans and Non-Binary participants who were assigned male at birth and have been undergoing continuous, medically supervised hormone treatment for at least one year may participate in the Open, and Female categories.
Trans and Non-Binary participants who were assigned female at birth, and have not begun hormone treatment, may participate in the Open, Male, or Female categories.
Trans and Non-Binary participants who were assigned male at birth and have not begun hormone treatment may participate in the Open, and Male categories.
Non-binary participants, and any other participant who desires, may enter the open category without any restrictions.
A runner’s self-declared gender at registration will be accepted at face value. The sole reason for this policy is to ensure fairness regarding the competition for awards and records.
The only challenge to a participant who is Trans or Non-Binary may ocur if that athlete finished top 3 or is up for an age group award in a gendered category.
Open category allows anyone to compete, and there are no challenges to the gender or hormone status of a participant in this category.
In the case of a top 3 finish in a Male category, there is also no restriction to a participant assigned female at birth competing in this category, so no challenge is accepted.
In the case of a top 3 finish in a Female category TransRockies™ Run race director will have sole discretion to review.
Any such challenge must be made in person or writing to the Race Director with the utmost discretion and respect for the privacy of all parties involved. TransRockies™ Run in its sole discretion will determine whether there is a legitimate basis for the challenge.
Gender Status Review
In the event of a challenge, TransRockies™ Run may ask the runner for documentation from a medical doctor or healthcare provider or other qualified professional certifying that the entrant has undergone continuous, medically supervised hormone treatment for gender transition for at least one year prior to the race.
Trans and Non-Binary participants, at their option, may provide the medical documentation related to their gender transition to the Race Director prior to the race.
All information about the runner’s gender identity and medical information, including any information provided pursuant to this policy, shall be kept strictly confidential.
The final decision regarding the entrant’s gender status for registration purposes shall be within the sole discretion of the TransRockies™ Run Race Director.
If it is determined that the runner is not in compliance with TransRockies™ Run’s rules for Trans and Non-Binary participants, the participant will be allowed to keep their TRR finisher’s award but any top 10 finisher or age group awards shall be returned to TransRockies™ Run.
TransRockies™ Run will attempt to protect the runner’s privacy interests to the maximum extent possible.