“There is absolutely nothing like the TRR. The community that is built over that magical week is unlike any other. For me, it was a master class in trail running and I got to learn from the absolute best. That week now is a no-brainer: I will be in Colorado and at the TransRockies Run. Sign up to run or volunteer or both. You will not regret it!”
– Winnie L.
Can I compete solo?
Yes, both the RUN 3 and RUN 6 offer solo categories.
What if my teammate gets injured and can’t complete the race?
You are permitted to join up with another team or another runner who has lost a partner and will be an official finisher. You will receive a finishing time although your time will appear in the results under the “Unclassified” category. If you don’t finish a stage, you can still start again the next day as well.
What will the weather be like?
Mid August is at the end of the summer season in the Colorado Rockies, so the weather can be quite variable. Mornings will typically be cool, with an increase of 10-15° over the course of the day. Afternoon thundershowers are not uncommon and in some years, we have seen snow at higher elevations. Expect Buena Vista to be high 80’s during the day and 50’ at night. In Leadville and Nova Guiides, it will dip down to high 30’s/low 40’s F overnight. Please come prepared for all conditions!
How do the accommodations work?
We provide backpacking tents for all runners. You can book single occupancy or save a few dollars by sharing with your teammate or another friend who is participating. We set these up for you and take them down each night (except at Beaver Creek). One tent (7x 7) is provided, and extra tents are available for a fee if you require additional space. Remember to bring your own sleeping bag and pad.
What time and where is registration?
Sunday, August 3 – 1:30pm to 5:00pm - The Meadows - we will provide shuttles from town to “The Meadows'“ - a mile down the road from Super 8
Monday, August 4 – 7:00am – 8:30am - Front Loop in South Main. You will see the big arch beside the Surf Chateau. Last minute package pick up will be inside the green TransRockies Run tents.
How much is the massage and where is the sign up?
Massage is offered through the end of Stage 5 @ $60/30 minutes, $120/60 minutes. Sign up is on Monday at registration. Many of our past participants recommend signing up for several massage appointments throughout the course of the week to help speed recovery.
How do I add a duffel bag to my registration?
You can add to your order in your events.com account with the following steps:
1. Log in to events.com. If you don't have an account, select "Sign Up" and use the same email as listed on your registration.
2. Wait for your event tabs to load and find the event you need
3. Click "View Order"
4. Click "Manage Registration” then "Edit Information"
5. Please scroll down to "Attendee Items". If there are multiple items you may need to click 'See More'. Select a new response and press "Submit Order" at the bottom of the screen. This updates the registration in real time.
*There are no refunds for a decrease in price. If there is an increase in price associated with the change, the credit card fields will appear and you will need to enter in your payment info and click 'Submit Order'. You will receive an email reflecting your change
Where and what time is the Opening Ceremonies?
Sunday, August 3 – 5:30pm – 6:30pm at “THE MEADOWS”. This is a mandatory!
Where is the start of Stage 1 and what time do we start?
South Main right adjacent to the Surf Chateau. We roll at 8:30am We will have toilets and water at every start.
When is the first meal that is included with my registration?
Monday, August 4 – 5:00pm - The Meadows
I’m a little nervous about the first day on Monday, can you walk me through what I should do??
Set your alarm for 5:30am
Eat Breakfast
Get dressed
Put your bib number on the front of your shirt
Bring a drop bag to leave at the start…look for the white cargo van with the drop bag sign on the windshield.
Pack your TransRockies duffel and leave it in front of your hotel – we will have shuttles buzzing around town from 6:30am – 8:15am picking up your duffel bags and extra luggage. You will not have access to your extra luggage throughout the race.
What if the shuttle has not made it to my hotel and I need to start walking to the start? No worries, just leave it outside and we’ll pick it up.
What is on the mandatory gear list?
The following items are checked at the entrance to the start corral starting on Stages 2-6. You will not be permitted to start stages 2-6 without them. Keep in mind that you must hang onto these throughout the stage; failure to do so may result in a DQ or time penalty.
Jacket (shell type – waterproof or water resistant)
Warm hat (must cover the ears)
Emergency blanket (1 per team for team event)
CUP for AID STATIONS. We are a CUPLESS event.
Is there a number to call if I’m worried about my bags being picked up?
Yes, call Houda at 403.483.9977
What if my hotel is not in Buena Vista?
Make arrangements with Houda after the opening ceremonies.
You guys don’t provide lunch, where will I eat?
Stage 1 – We will have food trucks at The Meadows.
Stage 2 – Leadville is walkable from camp and has several great restaurants, from Tennessee Pass Cafe to High Mountain Pies.
Stage 3 – Nova Guides staff will have a BBQ at the finish line -Please bring cash.
Stage 4 – Red Cliff, the finish line for the day is directly in front of Mango’s Bar and Grill, world famous for their tacos and margaritas. Please bring cash.
Stage 5 – Vail Village is walkable from camp and has over a dozen restaurants.
Is there a place to hang out at camp?
Yes, we have ChillVille set up at every camp. This tent has comfy chairs, sofas, snacks, phone chargers and unlimited Sierra Nevada Beer, Best Day Brewing non alcoholic beer for participants.
Are there showers at camp?
Yes, we have a shower truck that will follow us around at every stage. It is open from Noon to 9:00pm everyday.
Will we have internet access in camp?
Internet access will be spotty. Connections in Leadville and Vail are good but they are nonexistent in Red Cliff and Nova Guides. Please plan accordingly.
I’m taking the 1:00pm shuttle from DIA to BV on Sunday and I’m nervous about getting to registration on time?
No worries, we’ll have the big bus drop you off at The Meadows so you can pick up your race kit. The Big Bus will wait and deliver you to your hotel after you have picked up your race kit.
Where do I park my car in Buena Vista?
North Railroad and East in the gravel parking lot. Please see Jo Jo at the Race Office for a map.
If I get a t-shirt at registration and it doesn’t fit, can I exchange it?
Sure, but please wait until the finish of Day 1. If we have the size you would like we will exchange it at the race office. Look for the green TRR 10x10 tents.
I have booked the shuttle after RUN 3. Where do I catch that?
You will meet the shuttle in front of the main entrance of Nova Guides (front doors to the lodge) Please go to the baggage truck to gather all your belongings before departure.
Where does the shuttles meet after the final night?
Meet at the Centennial Bus Loop at 9:45am. WE DO NOT PICK UP FROM HOTELS. Shuttle departs at 10:00am for Denver Airport and 11:00am for Buena Vista.
What is the size of the duffle bag provided with registration?
32" x 18" x 15" (132L Capacity)
Will I be able to fit all my stuff in the duffle bag?
Runners needs are as individual as they are but we would offer this as an example. Last year, we were able to fit our 5’2“ social media manager in the bag and zip it up, with just her head poking out.
What type and size of tent will I be camping in?
Tents are Eureka Midori 2 (7’4” x 4’7”), Midori 3 (7’4” x 6’) and Woodlands (7’x7’).